Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dang Thieves!

I was planning to write today about Squishy School.  I was going to share a little about the parenting classes and and the homework and the funny, charming CPS caseworker and the insane amount of homework associated with it.  But, then I got a phone call.  My bank, you see, was kind enough to call and inform me that my debit card has been cancelled.  For the second time in as many years, my card has been cloned.  And they got me for nearly $2000.  I'm furious.  And broke.  I don't know how this whole thing works.  I don't know if someone somehow got my information yesterday (the fraudulent charges began last night) or if they've had it for a while, and just now got around to using it.  I do know that I have never been to College Station, which is where the charges were made.  I also know that I work my tail off for my money, and I need it.  I am all about giving to charity and helping others whenever I can.  But there are limits.  And I hate a thief.  So today I'm just going to pray.  I'll pray for the grace to forgive them.  I'll pray that my bank sees fit to return all of my money to me.  And, if I'm being honest, I'm going to pray that whoever did this is caught and punished.  Because I'm human, after all.  And I hate a dang thief.  Amen.

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